Friday, June 29, 2012

Cub Camp

Charlie experienced his first Cub Scout camp. And it was awesome! He shot bb guns, dove through "lasers," hiked, played games and launched rockets.

This year the Trading Post didn't sell pocket knives, which is what Elliot bought. Charlie spent his hard earned money on a rabbit skin. What the what?!

As a side note, it took him about twenty minutes to scrub his body clean.

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Sunday, June 10, 2012

Dance Recital

Lucy performed in her dance recital to a packed house. She did a tap number as a dinosaur and a was a princess for her ballet routine. Lucy was fantastic!

Lucy has loved dancing this year and has improved so much. She was awarded preschool dancer of the year!

The boys were so cute with her afterwards. They hugged her and told her she was great. It might have been my favorite moment of the night.
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