Tuesday, October 9, 2007

The middle child

Ten reasons we love our middle child
1. At birth he weighed 5 lbs. 9 ozs. 2 months later he looked like the michelin man and weighed a lot.
2. He's got angelic blue eyes.
3. He shadows Elliot day and night.
4. He's built like his Grandpa Joe . . . broad shoulders.
5. He rules at sports. His golf swing is something to behold.
6. To get him to eat we pretend bites are characters from cars or birds (depending on his mood.)
7. He loves vegetables and will eat salad or bushes (brocolli) before anything else on his plate.
8. His laugh is contagious.
9. His temper is not.
10. He could identify NFL teams by their helmets at age 2.


lyon family said...

I always give in quite easily when he says "Dessika, peeas" even though I will physically never quite be the same after being around charlie.

Morgan said...

Middle children rock. We love you Charlie!

Spencer Five said...

Jess, sorry about the eye. When he's older you can make him do lots of stuff for you with a good old fashioned guilt trip . . . Charlie remember when you blinded me, could you get me a diet coke?

Molly said...

I guess Caleb is our middle child...sandwiched between 2 above him and 2 below him. Poor guy. He's currently resorted to biting or pulling down his pants and threatening to pee wherever he happens to be at that moment when I can't/don't give him my attention as quickly as he'd like! How's that for classic middle child behavior?!?! I hope this all shakes out for him in therapy sometime down the road... :)

lyon family said...

You are my favorite Charlie! I love jumping on the tramp with you, listening to you giggle, and snuggling with you to read stories. I will always remember your awesome drop kick that put the soccer ball up on top of the kitchen cabinets! I love you, Charlie! Nana