Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Ready for . . . whatever

Elliot and Charlie wanted to play catch with Justin tonight. So of course they had to change into their uniforms. Because for some reason we can't just play at our house. We have to be completely decked out in the correct gear in order to throw a football, hit a baseball, shoot a hoop or score a goal. Elliot usually is obsessed with matching, he gets that from his dad. However, tonight he has on Rockies pants, a Yankees jersey, a Dodgers cap and gardening gloves that second as hitting gloves. Charlie is somewhat confused, in that he's wearing a Rams jersey and Redskins pants. When he hits he does wear a Bees helmet. With all the teams represented I was a little dismayed that our beloved Utes were not among them.

Tuesday, May 29, 2007


Here are some of the highlights from our trip to Yellowstone. We saw 12 bears, including a grizzly with her cubs. At one of the bear jams, Justin let us out of the car and then left to find a pull out. About 10 seconds later the bears charged the crowd and I was left to run for cover with my 3 kids! Once Justin came back and we were safe in the car, the bears began fighting one another. It was awesome. We saw 7 moose. We got caught in a buffalo "stampede" and were surrounded by about 25 of the beasts. We saw lots of birds, including a sandhill crane and her chicks. But the ultimate animal adventure was when a wolf jumped out of the bushes in front of our car! It was amazing. The kids had a great time. We hiked down to Tower Falls with Lucy strapped in the baby carrier. The best part of the trip was all of our kids slept at night in their beds!

Junior Ranger Spencer

Elliot is now an "official" Junior Ranger. In order to receive this great honor he had to: 1. Hike to Tower Falls. 2. Attend a Ranger Talk (he went to one on wolves). 3. Sit in the 'river habitat' and draw what he observed - the Pelican carcass was interesting. 4. Visit Gibbon Falls, Yellowstone River, Black Dragon's Caldron at Mud Volcano and LeHardy Rapids. 5. Identify all the animals we saw. 6. Learn the Yellowstone rules and the Yellowstone Junior Ranger Pledge. 7. Color some additional pages in his Junior Ranger Booklet. Needless to say, Elliot took it very seriously. Afterwards he told us that now he can help to direct traffic at bear jams.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Here I go . . .

After much internal debate, I decided to branch out from the Lyon blog and create my own. Like everybody else we are busy with life, but enjoying every minute of it. Well, perhaps not every minute. Putting Charlie in time out is never pleasant. Elliot had his last soccer game of the season tonight. He scored a handful of goals and had a grand old time. We went to Pace's for rainbows after. Yummo! Charlie is riding his big kid bike! Finally, he'll be able to keep up with his big brother . . . hopefully. Lucy is happy as ever. Her days consist of laughing and rolling around mostly. We still can't believe she's a girl!