Sunday, October 19, 2008

Word to Your Mutha

Justin and I tied for 3rd place at the 1st annual So You Think Can Dance party. We hip hopped our way through Chris Brown's "Gimme That." We pretty much rocked the crowd's faces off.

The stomp that ensued was awesome. Sadly, I am stiff this morning.


Nick, Jess and Bridger said...

Is that really the two of you!! I totally need a replay.

Mary Frances & Shawn Cochran said...

it is totally them, I took the pick when they got home. They preformed for Shawn and me before they left and it was hillarious! go team

Spencer Five said...

Hilarious? Did you mean, AWESOME?!

Team Sonntag said...

so stinkin' sad we missed it... but we already have plans for next year nd the trip to Cali was well worth it.

Jolie said...

Ok! You have to explain more! That had to be SO FUN!!! When? Where? Why didn't you win? Those costumes are winners for sure!

The Morris Family said...

Love love the picture, costume, pose, everything! That is so right up your're going to have to perform for us!