Wednesday, March 14, 2012


Here is Charlie's birthday "Me" he shared with his class today. He's wearing his Blast uniform. On his legs it says, "My favorite food is pizza," and "I like to play baseball." On his torso it says, "I like mountain lions." So there you go, now you know more about the one we call Charlie.

Charlie also likes to sing really loud for no apparent reason. He loves Lego guys. He rubs his nose with his soft eagle right before he falls asleep. Charlie wakes up delirious in the night and has to be physically walked to the water closet and then back to bed. He is a sweet cousin. Basically, he's the best.

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1 comment:

Nick, Jess and Bridger said...

We love our Charlie!! Charlie is talked about daily at our house and B has every intention of being "just like Charlie".