Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Trouble 1, trouble 2, trouble 3

After weeks of begging, bribing and wiggling, Elliot's front tooth finally came out. He was playing football and collided with his friend. He came home bloodied, yet excited. On Sunday, we tried bribing him with a Schleich husky, a Zoobooks subscription and cold, hard cash. No deal. What have I learned from this experience? Teeth fall out when they're good and ready and 6 year olds are stubborn.

After dinner tonight, Charlie and Lucy wanted a yogurt. I told them to sit up to the counter. Charlie obliged and ate his yogurt in about 1 second flat. Lucy gave me one her "looks" and walked around the kitchen trying to sit in any seat except the one with her booster. She then pulled her little red chair, which she uses as a stool to get into all sorts of mischief, over to Charlie's barstool and climbed up to finish his yogurt.

Justin looked at me and said, "She's a troublemaker." To which I sadly replied, "I know." I went to move her over to her booster seat to eat her yogurt and noticed it was missing. Enter "trouble 3." Charlie was sitting, or should I say hiding, on my kitchen floor eating Lucy's yogurt.

P.S. As I'm typing this, Lucy is on my kitchen table trying to drink Justin's coke and "help" me type. Seriously, don't you wish you were a Spencer?


Morgan said...

Whatevs. We proudly consider ourselves honorary Spencers.

Nick, Jess and Bridger said...

Yeah for el, so what does he get for losing his tooth...coal?

samandbrodi said...

Few things in this world are as sad as a little girl that only wants to have a sip of some Coke and a mom that refuses to give it to her. I hope Lucy gets over that mis-treatment. :)


Anonymous said...

Sara you have the greatest kids it the whole world. Cody and I had big smiles on our faces the whole time behind you at church. (mostly thinking to myself am I ready for that?) The best part was periodically they would turn around, give a big grin and wave. Alli