Wednesday, July 9, 2008


We made our annual trek to Yellowstone over the weekend. It seems our kids look forward to this trip more and more every year. And luckily, Yellowstone never disappoints. Charlie won the "What animal will we see first?" contest with bald eagle. The kids love to spot bears, elk, bison, pronghorn, coyotes and all manner of birds.
Our wolf hunt came up short this year. A ranger told the boys the white wolf we saw last year was killed by a rival pack in the fall. And, to add insult to injury, her pack left the park. Thus began the obsessing of how and why the white wolf died and when would she come back to Yellowstone. After two days of questions, Charlie told us the wolf would come back to Yellowstone when Jesus "corrected" (aka resurrected) her.

We hiked to many a stinky pot, which Lucy did not like at all and Charlie thought smelled like gopher, aka sulfur. The boys threw rocks at any water source they could spot. Elliot became a Jr. Ranger, again. We had a great time!
Thank you Grandma and Patrick! We love you.


The Morris Family said...

What a fun trip! We are probably going over the 24th. How cute is the comment by Charlie! Ya gotta love the things they say at this age.

Amanda said...

Still have never been nor have I taken my kids; I can't wait to go. I think we might hit it up next year or two, but obviously you're the go-to source, so I'll be calling.

Team Sonntag said...

I can't beleive you gotta shot of Old Faithful(unless that is a different geyser) without a million other people in it. How did you manage that? The pics are darling and Charlie and Elliot gave us a full history of the white wolf when they came over.

Morgan said...

That pic of Old Faithful is totally frame worthy.

P.S. When did Elliot become a kid?