Monday, March 30, 2009

Kindred Spirits

Two of my kids' three cousins moved home recently. To say the Spencer spawn have been excited is the understatement of the year. These kids love each other. They can't get enough of one another so we went hiking on Saturday, sans Couch who was learning lots of important football things at Utah State.
The highlights include: a dead mouse, catching baby grasshoppers, deer scat, identifying animal tracks, mud puddles and throwing rocks into puddles. What is it with rocks, water and boys? My kids could do that for hours. Why do we ever pay for entertainment?
As you can see, even Lucy got in on the bug catching. However, she was not impressed with the mud on her shoes. Muddy, pink boots are so last season.


Morgan said...

The bob is cute even from behind. Is she trying to stomp off the mud in the first pic?

Spencer Five said...

She's trying to make a short hike take as long as possible.