Saturday, August 18, 2007

dies meses

Lucy is 10 months old! Her hair is just long enough for barretts. Although, the fright wig is still evident. She loves to read books and point at the pictures. She's one tough cookie! She yells at the boys if they bother her, and I swear she tries to head butt Charlie on a regular basis. We love you Lucy!


Morgan said...

Yeah! We love tough little girls. There will be no loud and exasperated "args!" from Dad while she plays soccer because she got pushed off the ball. She'll be knocking down girls left and right.

P.S. Do you think she will be bullying Charlie in a few years?

Morgan said...

P.P.S. I can't believe it has already been a month since you guys were here!

Molly said...

Sara--your kiddos are so darn cute. When will we get to see you guys again? Man, it has been way too long. And it's not like we live far apart, you know! We would love to get together. In the mean time, you can see pics of the twins and the rest of us (if you're way bored) at our blog:
Miss you guys!