Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Big Man on Campus

The big day is finally here. Elliot is a 1st grader. As he was eating breakfast, which was mostly pushing his cereal around because he was too excited, he said to me, "So, I guess I'll see you tomorrow night?" In his mind being at school all day, literally means being at school all day. I already miss him. How can my little boy be in 1st grade, when I remember 1st grade? Mrs. Pearson's scowl is still etched in my brain. Elliot did allow me to walk him to class. I think only because he didn't know where his room was. However, once we got to the door he waved us off and went inside. No hugs, no kisses, no tears . . . at least not from him.


Team Sonntag said...

El's a champ. loved that he thought he was gonna be gone all day

Morgan said...

I can't handle this...first wake boarding, now he's a first grader? What happened to Little El?

Nick, Jess and Bridger said...

leave it to me to be misty eyed and my throat to swell. We love el.

Jolie said...

Ok! That was a good laugh! Elliot is cute! I too remember one of my elementary school teachers- 3rd grade Mrs. Neves (Seven spelled backwards as she told us). She also left me with that "etched in my brain scowl"! Amazing the influence our teachers have!

Hogans said...

Stock wondered why I was taking him to school! He wanted you to pick him up. The whole way in to the school he kept asking, "Why are you coming in with me?" I just told him, "Cause I love you!"

Anonymous said...

I can't believe how big all of your kids have gotten this summer. They are so cute!!!!!